Each artefact tells a story.
What is yours?

This symbol represents the perfect movement of the harmonious flow of energy.
The toroid is one of the energy and magnetic fields that has been studied the most by the researchers.
It is an energy field that feeds itself without ever being depleted, but is constantly regenerating itself.
It starts with the search for unique, high quality materials, such as precious stones from around the world or a waxed yarn made from 100% polyester that will not deteriorate over time.
Nature is my greatest inspiration to create elegant and bohemian products that can be worn on any occasion. From the moment the idea is born to the moment it is worn, it goes through many phases, necessary to create a unique product.
Alamna feels committed to our planet. That is why we try to do our part by reducing the environmental footprint of our products, packaging and shipping.

le origini di alamna
Artigianato Danisia
Scopri le origini, la storia che si racchiude dietro Alamna. Tutto inizia in un piccolo borgo che poche anime scelgono di fare rifiorire: Pentedattilo. Mia madre, Daniela Lorenzi, sceglie questo luogo sacro per manifestare il suo sogno.
Oggi sostenibilità, coscienza, artigianato ed arti antiche si fondono e si offrono ad un turismo responsabile...